Former Secondhand Mutt, Amber, now known as Bailey, is such a big girl now! My how they grow up fast.

AmberSHM_Bailey_6monthsA nice message from her “grandpa” Terry:

Here is a current picture of Amber, now known as Bailey.  This is her six month photo.  She is 22 lbs., and was spayed this morning a Avon Lake Animal Hospital. She lives with my daughter, Meredith, but spend a lot of time in my fenced in yard in Bay Village. She is a great dog. Dr. Lamb says there is not doubt about the Beagle/Dachshund mix!   She is in weekly training with Anthony.


Have you adopted a Secondhand Mutt? We’d love to hear from you. Please send your picture and message to

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Our Adoptables Are
  • Socialized in a cage-free dog daycare environment
  • Dog-Friendly
  • Sheltered in a Foster Home
  • Spayed / Neutered
  • Health Check by Veterinarian
  • Current on Vaccinations
  • Heartworm Tested
  • Microchipped
  • Monthly Flea Preventative
  • Monthly Heartworm Preventative

Services provided by
Gateway Animal Clinic

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