Another great update from a former Secondhand Mutt adopter. Megan adopted “Baby Ruth” who is now Ruthie and had this update for us…..

favorite_toyI read the story on Facebook about Ms. Dumplin and it reminded me of how lucky we were to end up with Baby Ruth (now Ruthie) after someone decided to throw her out a car window, so I thought I would send an update. sisters



I’m not sure why anyone would ever want to give this girl up because she is the most lovable dog ever!  She is eager to greet us when we get home and always wants to give kisses, and lots of them! We like to call her “Prancer” when we go on walks because she always holds her head up high and struts her stuff around the neighborhood.  She loves to snuggle with us and we love that about her.  I sent a few pictures of her and our other rescue Paisley.  Anytime they get a chance to stare out a window they will.  I think if they could, they might sit at the window all day.  Ruthie loves to play football and has gotten pretty good at catching her favorite toy in the air before it hits the floor.  When we visit my brother she loves to chase and be chased around the house by her cousin Cosmo!  She is just so playful!  Brian and I really can’t imagine life without either of them now!favorite_spot

She wouldn’t be a part of our life if Secondhand Mutts hadn’t took her in, so thank you!


Megan F.

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Our Adoptables Are
  • Socialized in a cage-free dog daycare environment
  • Dog-Friendly
  • Sheltered in a Foster Home
  • Spayed / Neutered
  • Health Check by Veterinarian
  • Current on Vaccinations
  • Heartworm Tested
  • Microchipped
  • Monthly Flea Preventative
  • Monthly Heartworm Preventative

Services provided by
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